The HD and HD+ Padlocks are keyless, heavy-duty locks with an industrial strength body and intelligent core. These powerful locks are tamper-resistant, work in harsh environmental conditions, and are available with a shrouded shackle for extra protection.
KEYLESS Access (securely unlock using your smartphone!)
Built for use in challenging/extreme environmental conditions (IP67 rated)
Operating Temperature: -40°C to 74°C
One-touch operation and scheduled power-downs allow for a 3-year life.
HD: 550g - HD+ 670g
Crafted with rugged materials, rigorously tested, and certified, the Nokē HD and HD+ Padlocks are made to provide maximum security in extreme conditions
We know the need for locks comes in many sizes. The Noke HD locks have removable shackles that come in a variety of sizes to help you find the best fit.
Nokē Jump-start Feature:
In the rare event that you lose lock power, this allows you to touch an external 9V battery to the base of the lock to give your lock a jump-start. Once you’re jumped, use your device to to open the lock.
Nokē Quick-Click Feature:
Any user who may not have a smart device can simply use the touch sensor to tap in a series of short and long taps using a custom code.
We’ve designed some clever features to not only provide you
with one smart lock, but to give you some extra peace of mind, if needed